The CoalWorks Story CoalWorks is a platform full of creative ideas for websites, businesses, photography, New Media and technology. CoalWorks is credited with an exhibition of fine art photographs in Mumbai, an article in PLATFORM_ magazine and photographs for a commemorative centennial calendar for a local church in Bandra (West), Mumbai. I am a serial entrepreneur with a demonstrated history of working in the Internet industry. Skilled in Entrepreneurship, Management, Start-ups, Marketing and Business Development. I enjoy the process of creation of digital products (software development) and web development. I like to build on ideas, applications, products, images and more. And I have one photography exhibition under my belt. The CoalWorks Logo has a story. I used to go out to the oceanside 200 feet among the rocks at low tide at Carter Road, in Bandra West, Mumbai. One day I noticed three sticks planted in the rocks with a bird sitting on a stick. I was able to capture the image and it became the official CoalWorks logo. Going to the rocks led to a creative upward spiral. It is my hope that one day I can, in collaboration with other photographers, start an art, design and photography school of world standing. What we need in India is an influx of fresh ideas and new thinking. It is also my dream to one day journey to the Himalayas and take black and white photographs, along the lines of what Ansel Adams did with his Zone System photographs of the North American landscape. Here is the link to our showcase page on LinkedIn.: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/coalworks-photography-media/?viewAsMember=true